Maine Water Utilities Association

The Maine Water Utilities Association (MWUA) is a non – profit membership organization which was organized in 1925. At that time a core group of water superintendents recognized the need to meet on a regular basis, share information and ideas and lend mutual support. The group met regularly and became increasingly involved in matters affecting water utilities.

Today, the basic concept remains largely unchanged. MWUA is an advocate for the water supply profession. We share experiences at bimonthly meetings, sponsor training sessions for members and provide mutual support. The networking and interaction are of great benefit to system operators in providing water service, while complying with stringent state and federal regulations. In February of each year we hold a waterworks trade show in Augusta, Maine which draws exhibitors from the United States and waterworks professionals from throughout the Northeast.

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Maine Water Utilities Association is to represent the water works professional membership in advocating safe drinking water through education, legislation, policy and networking.

Consistent with this mission, the Vision of the association is that it be the organization of choice for informing members and influencing policy makers, regulators and the media on issues regarding public water supply and water resources.


MWUA relies upon staff, consisting of an Executive Director and Executive Assistant, and a number of volunteer committees to accomplish its mission.

Core Values

It has become common practice in the light of recent events for organization, companies, and institutions to develop diversity statements. Several members of our Association have advocated for MWUA to develop a strong statement that properly reflects our support for diversity and an expression of our values.

MWUA welcomes you.

MWUA welcome people of any gender identity or expression, race, ethnicity, size, nationality, sexual orientation, ability level, religion, elder status, family structure, culture, subculture, political opinion, identity, and self-identification. We welcome activists, artists, bloggers, crafters, readers, writers, ordinary people, extraordinary people, and everyone in between.

MWUA believes accessibility for people with disabilities is a priority, not an afterthought. We believe in being inclusive, welcoming, and supportive of anyone who comes to us in good faith and has the desire to build and support a community.

MWUA has enough experience to know that we will not get any of this perfect on the first try. But we have enough hope, energy, and idealism to want to learn things we do not know now. MWUA may not be able to satisfy everyone, but we can certainly work to avoid offending anyone. And MWUA promises that if we get it wrong, we will listen carefully and respectfully to all that take the time to point it out to us.  We will always do our best to improve on our mistakes.

MWUA believes our technical and business experience is important, but we also firmly believe our diverse community and membership is even more important. We believe that keeping our operations transparent is one of the most important benefits we can offer our members.

MWUA will not treat people as second-class citizens because they are considered to non-mainstream. We embrace diversity and change.  To us, we are all people, that deserve respect and allow all to maintain your self-dignity.

MWUA By Laws