MWUA Bi-Monthly Meetings

MWUA hosts a bi-monthly meeting every two months. This includes February, April, June, August, October and December.  Meetings are typically carried out on the second Thursday of every month.

MWUA’s Annual Tradeshow & Conference held in February takes the place for the first bi-monthly meeting, and the MWUA & MeWEA Summer Outing held in August is also considered a bi-monthly meeting.

Please register by: December 12, 2024

3 .00 BLWSO Training Contact Hours
1.50 Maine DEP Training Credit Hours

8:00AM – 8:30AM: Registration 

8:30AM – 8:45AM: MWUA Welcome, Michael Commons, President, Maine Water Utilities Association, Vice President, Maine Water Company 

8:45AM – 8:55AM: Overview of Brunswick & Topsham Water District, Craig Douglas, General Manager, Brunswick & Topsham Water District 

8:55AM – 9:15AM: Celebration of 50 years of the Safe Drinking Water Act 


9:15AM – 10:30AM: 

Maine Drinking Water Program Update, Amy Lachance, Drinking Water Program Director Maine Public Utilities Commission Update, Jody McColman, Director of Telephone and Water Utilities Introduction of 2025 MWUA Board 

MWUA’s Annual Committee Reports: 

  1. Legislative Committee 
  2. Technology Committee 
  3. Training and Program (TaP) Committee 
  4. Utility Finance Of icers’ Committee 
  5. Public Awareness Committee 
  6. Water Resources Committee 

10:30AM – 10:45AM Break 

TECHNICAL PROGRAM – Brunswick & Topsham Water District (BTWD), Technical Vignettes 10:45 AM – 12:45PM: In this session, attendees will get 10-minute technical vignettes of various projects across BTWD including the AFFF spill, the PFAS facility being constructed, a curved main on a bridge crossing, directional drill of a 20-inch main, the significant reduction in D/DBP’s, lead data for galvanized pipes, overview of historic PFAS migration and a 25 minute tour of the new Holden Facility, a greensand, anion resin and manganese contactor in series to treat groundwater. Speakers: Josh Cobb BTWD, Craig Douglas BTWD, Jihyon Im CDM Smith, Darrin Lary Wright-Pierce, Al LeBlanc CDM Smith, TC Schofield BTWD. 


MWUA would like to thank CDM Smith and Clow Valve for sponsoring our December Bi-Monthly meeting at Brunswick & Topsham Water Holden Treatment Facility on December 19.

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