Water’s Up?

Welcome to Waters Up?! A joint podcast of the MWUA (Maine Water Utilities Association) and MeWEA (Maine Water Environment Association). This channel will feature multiple discussions on current events in the water world that impact utilities in Maine and throughout the country. Earn PDH’s and TCH”s simply by listening. Best of all, there is no cost to users. Where else can you be entertained and earn free credit hours? Our goal is to make it entertaining, informative, and easy while keeping those in our industry informed.

Where wastewater and drinking water operators can earn credits by listening.

To retrieve credit hours, listen to one of our selected podcasts and take a short quiz to verify that you have listened. Once each broadcast is complete, a link can be found right here on this page, listed below. A link can also be found posted in the comments section of the Waters Up? Youtube channel. Each 3 or 4 question quiz will be supplied with questions that can be answered only by people who have taken the time to listen. Upon the submission of your answers, credits will be distributed if you receive a passing grade.

Quiz Links


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